Fire Stopping Inspections

Building Managers and Landlords have clear responsibilities under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 to assess all potential fire risk in a building at regular intervals.
Fire compartments are designed to restrict the passage of fire in a building allowing time for the occupants to escape. As a building ages, and more refurbishment work and additional services are undertaken (particularly mechanical, electrical and data services), fire compartments can become compromised.
This generally happens above ceiling level and is not visible, or easily accessible, to most Building Managers and Landlords, creating an unquantifiable, unidentified risk. Some services will attempt to fire seal their work but will use the wrong materials.
Should a fire occur it could spread above ceiling level cutting off escape routes, potentially leading to loss of life.
Smoke can also pass through unsealed penetrations creating life threatening hazards for people exiting the building.
Working in a range of different environments our teams can carry out fire compartment inspections to provide the Building Manager or Landlord with detailed reporting of any potential risk.
Using our advanced electronic reporting system, we label and capture every penetration we identify ensuring the Building Manager has full details available to co-ordinate an effective repair solution.
Our experienced inspection teams have the breadth of knowledge to identify all areas of non-compliance and will check that existing fire sealing has been carried out using the correct materials to the required standards.
We provide a structured response and work with clients to project manage inspections throughout buildings whilst occupied or out of hours to ensure disruption is kept to a minimum.
We provide an organised, fully auditable programme of work and keep clients up to date daily on progress through our web enabled reporting suite and can integrate fully with any other maintenance work ongoing within the building.
Using smartphone technology, we record every penetration and can update building drawings so future inspections are simplified, efficient and can quickly identify new penetrations.
We can provide whole building inspections or initial smaller scoping inspections which may prove more cost effective for our clients’.